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Re: maize in ancient india: strong transpacific links are indicated
> : "
> : Both gods and goddesses are seen to hold an object having a fully
> : or partially beaded type of ornamentation in one hand and
> : kalash (pitcher) in the other. The objects are oblong, broadly
> : cylindrical, and either conical or reembling a mango fruit shape.
> : In some friezes, the male deity is holding an object with only
> : partially beaded ornamentation, that is the upper headed half
> : has a greater diameter than the lower smooth half (see figure).
> : In some sculputres the object is thicker in the middle and tapers
> : at both ends. When some of these objects are
> : viewed in isolation, a few of them may appear to resemble a maize
> : ear in a gross way because of the beaded type of ornamentation.
> : But when all the sculptures are analysed, it becomes evident
> : that the objects do not represent a maize ear. "
> It becomes "evident" to P & S. So what? The opposite is evident to many
> others.
A) The opposite is evident only to few others,
> : Obviously Payak and Sachan did look at all the sculptures,
> : and that is part of their report.
> You assume that they did. And even if they did, it doesn't mean that their
> opinion is the right one.
Ofcourse there oppinion counts a lot more than the oppinion of
those people who look at far fewer figures so that they
can only see what they like.
> : I am sure there is more in the longer later article.
> I read both of their articles. In their ECONOMIC BOTANY article they
> mostly defend themselves against the criticism by Veena & Sigamani, the
> other two critics of Johannessen. So the critics of J. are bickering
> among themselves, which is pretty interesting by itself...
> The critics of J. do raise some valid points, but none of them seem like
> truly serious objections that invalidate J.
Well, Johannessen will be happy that he has at least one person
who still believes him.
So, why doesn't Johannessen go out there and find
maize corn cobs to prove his point. What a lazy guy,
he obviously wants to suppress data, since there is nothing
to be found. (in case you didn't notice, this was sarcastic).