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Re: maize in ancient india: strong transpacific links are indicated
[email protected] wrote:
: As a lexical matter, : it is of interest to note the : very ancient
Indo-European Latvian term MAIZE which means "bread" and : MIEZHI which
means "barley" - hence the Carib MAHIZ for MAIZE is : interesting. : and,
since much of Latvian is almost identical to Sanskrit....
This is very interesting info, Andis, thanks.
: Who knows? :
The jury is still out
Well, I think the jury is already in...
: and I think it will be a long time before a verdict
: is reached. : In view of the discussion being conducted in "Out of
India", all very : interesting... : I have not made up my mind yet. : Is
the relief clearly from India or is it an imported artifact of unknown :
date later integrated into the temple wall?
Well, Andis, the identification of these carvings in the context of the
temples are very secure. There are great numbers of them.
: How has the temple been dated?
These temples were described and dated by local historians way before
anybody paid any attention to these maize carvings.
: - would be thankful for info. : - Andis Kaulins (J.D. Stanford
University, 1971)
Best regards,
=O= Yuri Kuchinsky in Toronto =O=
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appears white is really black, if the hierarchy of the
Church so decides === St. Ignatius of Loyola