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Re: maize in ancient india: strong transpacific links are indicated
[email protected] wrote:
: Yuri wrote:
: > I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but it seems that you found
: > some pictures that don't look like maize?
: >
: > I really don't see the significance of this... As you may already know by
: > now, there are hundreds of such carvings in many temples. So some of them
: > don't look like maize? Is this surprising?
: >
: > Isn't the fact that _many_ of them look _very much_ like maize more
: > relevant?
: You fail to see the significance of this? Why don't you look
: at the pictures yourself. The point is that there are many sculptures,
: in each hand they carry an object, One of the objects is some
: kind of cup with a lid, the other object is a beaded object.
: The shape of this beaded object varies, and in some cases it
: looks perhaps somewhat like a maize cob. But if you take
: the whole series, you would never come up with the idea it was
: maize.
How do you know this? And how can anyone see "the whole series" unless one
spends a long time in India visiting all those temples?
: Obviously, I did not see the whole series, since
: in the Nature article, they show only the two extremes of
: the beaded object.
And are you generalizing on the basis of this?
: As a matter of fact, just having seen the treasure chamber : of the
kings of Bavaria in Munich, I could not refrain : from drawing parallels:
The European kings also displayed : two items in their hands as regalia,
i.e. a scepter, and a : small globe with a cross on top. In many cases
these items : are also heavily decorated with gold beads, jewelry stones
etc. : In a way, this did remind me of these Indian sculptures, :
holding heavily decorated items in each hand. : So, no matter what the
beaded item is, if you : consider the iconography of all sculptures as a
whole, : I have no problem following the argumentation of Payak and :
Sachan that the beaded item is not maize. : the picture from Nature is
now available on : http://copan.bioz.unibas.ch/meso.html
=O= Yuri Kuchinsky in Toronto =O=
--- a webpage like any other... http://www.io.org/~yuku ---
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appears white is really black, if the hierarchy of the
Church so decides === St. Ignatius of Loyola