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Re: Maize origins [was re: "Corn" in medieval Europe]
[cross-posts reduced]
Hu McCulloch ([email protected]) wrote:
: If "Indian corn" is a grain the English colonists got from the
: (American) Indians, then "Turkish corn" (or Turkish grain), ie maize,
: was most likely obtained by the Italians, not from Spain or Portugal
: in the West, but from Turkey in the East. I haven't read Jeffreys for
: some time, but as I recall, he makes this point. I think he says there
: are other European languages (Polish?) that call maize "Turkish grain."
Well, actually, Hu, maize was known as "Turkish grain" in, I believe, most
European languages from early on. Certainly in Spanish. Jeffreys gives a
list of such names in his article that you've given the reference for.
: Does anyone on soc.hist.med know when granturco was first mentioned
: in Italian?
Thanks for posting this good analysis of some of the weaknesses in the
arguments of Johannessen's critics.
Yuri Kuchinsky | "Where there is the Tree of Knowledge, there
-=- | is always Paradise: so say the most ancient
in Toronto | and the most modern serpents." F. Nietzsche
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