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Re: Maize origins [was re: "Corn" in medieval Europe]

Yuri Kuchinsky wrote:
> But until such time as decisive evidence shows up, the investigation
> should continue and all further evidence should be considered. So the fact
> that no fossils are available so far does not mean much. It's simply a
> lack of evidence and is of little consequence.
> Best regards,
> Yuri.
> Yuri Kuchinsky   | "Where there is the Tree of Knowledge, there
>      -=-         | is always Paradise: so say the most ancient
>  in Toronto      | and the most modern serpents."  F. Nietzsche
>  ----- my webpage is for now at: http://www.io.org/~yuku -----

I'm an absolute novice in the field, but I wonder:  If someone seriously
wanted to prove that maize was grown in India (or "the Old World")
before Columbus, couldn't pollen analysis be one mean of at least either
strengthening or weakening that hypothesis?  I realize that a very large
percentage of the land in India probably has been continually cultivated
for a very long time, but even so I don't think that it can be
impossible to find pollen deposits that are older than Columbus.  Does
anyone know anything about this?

Lars Arnestam

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