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Re: Ad Yurii Gloriam (Was Re: maize in ancient india: strong
[email protected] wrote:
: > Peter van Rossum ([email protected]) wrote:
: >
: > : Well, Yuri you are actually changing your line a bit here. Before you
: > : seemed to be claiming that no one has specifically gone out looking
: > : for corn cobs in India so none were found (at least that's how I and
: > : many others interpreted your comments).
: > Correct. I'm not changing my line. I'm saying that _if someone wanted to
: > disprove Johannessen_, this is what they should do, i.e. look for corncobs
: > in the settlements around Somnathpur temples.
: Yuri, here you demonstrate that you don't understand anything at all.
Really, Thomas? How nice of you to say so...
: It has been pointed out numerous times to you that you
: cannot look for negative evidence.
Well, it looks like I have to explain some simple things to Thomas once
again. Elementary logic is not a strong suit of his...
You see, Thomas, if maize was a staple for those communities, as I
claimed, and if archaeological research identified the staples consumed by
these peoples, and failed to identify maize among them, this will disprove
my thesis. Yes?
Which part of the above you find difficult to understand, Thomas?
: How are you going to find
: a non-existant corn-cob? Tell me that?
So you already determined that corn-cobs are non-existent there? Did you
do this through some voodoo rituals of divination, or something? Let me
in on the secret, please.
: So, let us assume the excavations there did not show any corn-cobs?
: What would your answer be?
I will admit that I was wrong.
: You simply would say they didn't look in the right places.
How come you're so great at predicting the future, Thomas? It must be
those voodoo divinations of yours...