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Re: Denial and method (It was Re: chicken in America: from Asia? (cont.))
In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] wrote:
>No matter what? My case (of my findings) is different. I have been
>begging for factual criticism of my findings on prehistoric Science-Art
>for the longest time. Yet there never was any. Incredible, what with all
>the freaks of debunking everywhere? If I should be wrong - it would be
Jiri, do not jump on one like that. You almost scared me!
My message was related to a thread about chickens in pre-Columbian America. I
have no idea of your theory and, honestly, went to your site and could not get
started (I am good at math, just in case), because there is no basic statement
of the problem, as well as your methodology and objectives, and I could not
see any hypothesis. It seems you have put a lot of work in all those
drawings. (I have not read all you have put, nor analyzed any of your
pictures. I am not interested in the topic as of yet.)
I believe your post is a little off-topic now, but of course you could start
your own thread. I recommend alt.archaeology.
>But even sadder is that the "experts" are utterly unable to point out
>just where my errors are.
>Hence I am a truly lost case, as there is no
>helping me.
>So, I try helping myself, see my work through the dark glasses of
>skepticism. Although not stupid, I fail to see what I have done wrong.
Perhaps you have to make things easier for the reader?
<big snip>
>Seasoned regards, and may 1997 preserve your wits
>while you face the Nasca Monkey.
You ever been at Nasca? Last year, some Mormon boys (form both the US and
Peru) almost defaced a part of the Nasca lines. I do not know how the thing
ended up, but it seemed like Utah offered a lot of money to try to fix the
mess. After that, the earthquake, but luckily the lines are in an relatively
flat area where they did not sustain any damage. The grand old lady of Nasca,
Maria Reiche, did OK at the hotel where she lives.
Domingo Martinez Castilla
[email protected]