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For Peter
Scotty McNeil found maise in the Tehuacan valley dating to 7000 BC. It was
definitely maise not teosinte.
The other thing. Al that talk of "Maya" in the articles related to India.
Maya is a name given to the peoples we call Maya by Europeans. We aren't
sure what the "Maya" called themselves. The best indicator would be clan
lineage affiliations like those found in the American southwest.
This newsgroup seems to be getting so far out it is becoming a joke.
Yuri's postings I find aren't even worth commenting on. The guy is
obviously on some kind of ego trip and it's becoming blatantly obvious. He
needs to get a life.
See you guys soon. I gotta go back to work. You know that deviuos stuff
we field archaeologists do while we're covering up the truth. Will see
y'all in a couple of months.
Peter van Rossum <[email protected]> wrote in article
<[email protected]>...
> In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Yuri Kuchinsky) writes:
> >Dr. Doug ([email protected]) wrote:
> >
> >: Now the task becomes, showing some evidence that maize traveled across
> >: the ocean. Because it just might be that this area in India is the
> >: last place that Asian maize existed before it went extinct. To me
> >: seems more plausible.
> >
> >I believe that almost all botanists by now have discounted the idea that
> >maize could have been domesticated in Asia independently. There're no
> >wild plant relatives to maize there.
> >
> >Yuri.
> On this point I am in complete agreement with Yuri. All research
> that maize is a New World domesticate - it has no antecendants in the
> Old World. For this reason and because I don't believe there is any
> credible natural dispersal hypothesis for maize, *IF* we found maize
> in a Precolumbian Old World context this would be proof of some kind of
> contact.
> The problem is that we have *not* found maize in a Precolumbian Old World
> context (at least not that I've ever seen reported) and the sculptural
> identification is debatable. Therefore, IMO, maize is a very far cry
> from the "smoking gun" which Yuri claims it to be.
> ps. Yuri, notice I specify what it would take for me to change my mind,
> what would it take for you to change yours?
> Peter van Rossum
> [email protected]