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Re: Atawallpa was no chicken (An Apology to Richard)
Richard Fedrick ([email protected]) wrote:
: of all yuri's paranoias the one that i find most laughable is his
: idea that the academic community is engaged in a conspiracy to
: "suppress the evidence".
: he clearly has no experience of academic
: research -
: if he did he would know that the absolute opposite is the
: case: the epoch-making, nobel prize-winning scientific discovery is
: what every researcher dreams of...
Answer me this: Why nobody knew about the very early Amazonian pottery --
the earliest pottery in America -- for nearly 20 years after it was
Awaiting your reply with great interest...
: it ensures him fame and status for
: life! the very thought that one might be the person to turn accepted
: orthodoxy on its head is enough to make any scientist weak at the
: knees. unfortunately very few (newton, darwin, einstein... ) are so
: lucky.
: what yuri fails to appreciate is that it is "enlightened scepticism"
: which fosters the best environment for research - it ensures that
: evidence is sifted with care and diligence, and requires that a truly
: convincing case be made before the scientific community accepts the
: revised version. such is the scientific method. it may sometimes be
: slow, but it works.
Your obvious bigotry certainly makes me very _sceptical_ that you possess
even a little of this "enlightened scepticism" that you preach about.
Have a good day,
=O= Yuri Kuchinsky in Toronto =O=
--- a webpage like any other... http://www.io.org/~yuku ---
We should always be disposed to believe that that which
appears white is really black, if the hierarchy of the
Church so decides === St. Ignatius of Loyola