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Re: maize in Europe and India: a twisted tale
[email protected] (Yuri Kuchinsky) wrote:
>This is part 2 of my reply.
>Also, please note that none of the criticisms seen here so far _even
>mentioned_ the main supporting evidence for Johannessen besides the
>carvings. And that is, of course, the OVERWHELMING evidence for a _great
>genetic variety_ of maize in India, and in Asia generally! (This strongly
>indicates antiquity.) A pattern of avoidance?
>All the best,
A pattern of avoidance from you, Yuri?? I went back through your posts
citing the Johannessen article, and I could not find any OVERWHELMING
evidence for a _great genetic variety_ of maize in India, or in Asia
generally! What sources are you referring to here? Any three botanists,
agronomists, archaeologists, &c. would suffice, if they have evidence, not
supposition, that there was maize from New World origins in India and Asia
prior to the 15th Century. Maize is an incredibly hardy little beggar, and
its presence in the floral assemlage of a site, especially if its was a
part of the diet, is virtually impossible to miss.
>Oh, yes, also, I'm grateful to Domingo for providing the following:
>: What follows is a list of references that anybody interested in this issue
>: would have to consult:
>: Johannessen 1988 "Indian maize in the twelfth century B.C." Nature 332:587
>: (note that the date was worng: should have said A.D.)
>: Payak and Sachan 1988 "Maize in Somnathpur, an Indian medioeval temple",
>: Nature 335: 773-774
>: Johannessen and Parker 1989 "Maize ears sculptured..." Economic Botany
>: Veena and Sigamani 1991 "Do objects in friezes of Somanthpur temple (1268 AD)
>: in South India represent maize ears?" Current Science 61:395-396
> =O= Yuri Kuchinsky in Toronto =O=
> --- a webpage like any other... http://www.io.org/~yuku ---
>We should always be disposed to believe that that which
>appears white is really black, if the hierarchy of the
>Church so decides === St. Ignatius of Loyola
Randal Allison, Ph.D.
--If you can't be happy naturally, be unnaturally happy.