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Re: maize in ancient india: strong transpacific links are indicated

On 28 Dec 1996 20:38:55 GMT, [email protected] (Kay Lancaster) wrote:

>In article <[email protected]>, Yuri Kuchinsky quoted:
>>      ...the size and shape of "ears" in husks, partly husked or
>>      entirely dehusked; the proportional shapes of "kernels" that
>>      are normally wider than thick; the expansion of the "kernel"
>>      adjacent to the missing "kernel"; the smaller sized "kernels"
>>      at the tip; one tip with undeveloped, tiny "kernels" and the
>>      bottom four-fifth normal; the normality of parallel rows over
>>      tessellate row conditions or tessellate "kernels" at the base
>>      and parallel rows in the middle and tip of the "ear";... (p.
>>      178)
>The pictures I've seen are not convincing to me, although they do
>strongly resemble some types of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench),
>an old world grain closely related to maize, long cultivated in India.

Yuri, have you or are you planning to do a comparison of the sculptures in
question with other plants, eg sorghum, found in India?
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