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Re: chicken in America: prehispanic arrival from Asia?

Sirs, please, sirs,

I find extremely unfair that people are jumping all over the 
independent research of Mr Kuchinsky on chickens and eggs, even when he 
has already explicitly announced that the posting beginning this thread 
was only the first part three of his research report (reports by 
installments, I presume) on the topic.

I was holding some questions, especially regarding the eggs (I did not 
know that they were also circumstancial evidence of pre-Columbian 
difussion: I truly believed that eggs were being used by birds and 
reptiles way before that, but what do I know!)

Now please sit down and relax, because, following the same outstanding 
linguistic methodology, I am prepared, thanks to some independent 
research of my own that I am just concocting (concoct:  tr.v. concocted, 
concocting, concocts. 1. To prepare by mixing ingredients, as in 
cooking. 2. To devise, using skill and intelligence; contrive) to 
announce that there is circumstancial evidence that Zea mays, Lama 
glama, and Lama pacos, and several species of very American trees and 
other plants were already known in Europe, so much so that they even had 
names for them!  In their own European languages!!!  Can you believe 

In the same vein..., I mean, line of linguistic reasoning, Caucasian 
people may have already been in the Andes for many, many years.  There 
was a word in runa-simi (actually, there *is* a word in runa-simi: 
more 20 million people speak that language today): wirakocha.

The above is incontrovertible evidence that is accepted by all
scholars of the subject. To claim that such wide diffusion could
happen so quickly in the New World (after contact with the
Europeans) strongly contradicts the evidence about the diffusion of
Caucasians in the Old World. (*)

Where is that chicken bone, anyway?


Domingo, who still is waiting anxiously for installments 2 and 3 of Mr 
Kuchinsky's independent research.

(*) This paragraph borrowed, almost verbatim (changed one and one word 
only, but I assume full responsibility for the changed sentence) of Mr 
Kuchinsky's words (there is no use in trying to be original at this 
stage of the discussion!).  I hope he does not mind my using his well 
put words.  I am just trying to advance the case of diffusion following 
his methods, so I reckon it is allright.

Just in case: all usual disclaimers apply. 

Domingo Martinez-Castilla
[email protected]