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Re: You Want Evidence of Contact? Here It Is.....
In article <01bbe060$acb2c5a0$b4c4b7c7@tekdiver>, "Paul E. Pettennude" <[email protected]> wrote:
>The following six examples strongly suggest that intellectual contact
>between the Orient and Precolumbian America did in fact occur:
I posted an unsuccessfully humorous post about this, but its first paragraph
mentioned the issue of germs and disease.
This is very important. Even though it is not possible to scientifically test
that something did not occur, we have som circumstancial indications that no
important human contact occurred for at least several millenia before the real
thing. That indication is disease. It is very difficult, for many of us
worried about the depopulation of the Americas after contact, to understand
how some other human contact could have occurred 100, 200 or 1000 years
before 1492 without simultaneously exchanging germs along with agricultural
domesticates. Humans are biological entities, and as such they are not exempt
of serving as unwilling hosts of all kinds of germs and parasites, like rats,
for instance.
Could anybody propose a scenario in which the purported contact take place
without exchanging those pesky germs? I cannot think of any.
Domingo Martinez Castilla
[email protected]